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Monday, March 3, 2008

My love letter from Google

Yay!!! At last I got my PIN mailer from Google...I was not at home when the letter arrived...was lookin for an opportunity to have a better life...my wife pick me up at the Ragunan Busway shelter today...and she told me that the letter from Google has arrived...waaaa Im so happy...after Im home I go straight to my laptop and submit the PIN enclosed on my Adsense Account...hopefully this is the sin of a better life in the future....

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Anonymous said...

Selamet deh... sedangken PIN aku koq belum nyampe-nyampe juga yah? Sudah 2 kali aku request malah. Duh! Mbah Google, kemana koe kirimken PIN ku.

Dimas M
My Gear : Toshiba Satellite A200 + Indosatm2 Broadband 3.5G
My Phone : Sony Ericsson
My wish list : Lenovo Thinkpad X61
My motto : Greed is the one that will make your life poorer day by day

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